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Sur les chemins transverses... => [War Thunder] A l'avion qui crashe et au tank qui fait boum => Discussion démarrée par: PandiPanda le 19 juin 2014, 12:46:05

Titre: War thunder
Posté par: PandiPanda le 19 juin 2014, 12:46:05

War Thunder qu'est ce que c'est ?

War Thunder  est un jeu de combat MMO dédié à l'aviation militaire, aux véhicules blindés et aux flottes de la seconde guerre mondiale. Vous prendrez part à toutes les grandes batailles, vous battant avec de vrais joueurs du monde entier.

wouai alors c'est sympa une "définition officielle" mais de la bouche d'un panda au reveil ca donne ceci : les avions il y en a pleins, des petits qui font bbbrrr tactactac pouet, des plus gros faisant bbbrrrrammm ppwwwwee baoum, et d'autres plus exotiques mais dont leurs fonctionnalités premieres restent de pouvoir rester en l'air malgrès une forte tendance à se rapprocher du sol et autres joyeusetés remplies d'ecureuils  :albino
Les véhicules blindés eux par contre ont plus de mal à décoller, le reste est quasi similaire, des petits qui font vraoum pouet, des plus gros VRAOUM pouet et d'autres exotiques mais dont leurs fonctionnalités premieres restent de pouvoir lancer des objets à haute vélocité sur d'autres petits camarades ( là les ecureuils font moins les malins )
Pour l'histoire de la flotte...mon avis que ca n'arrivera pas avant un an ou deux  :albino

Citation de: ♥♥♥ Gahia ♥♥♥
et donc panda c'koi ton jeu ??

Un défouloir, en Free to play !

Citation de: ♥♥♥ Gahia ♥♥♥
mouai...mais t'expliques rien en fait

nan, je t'invites à jeter des coups d'oeil au site off, il est la pour ca ! feignasse !

Citation de: ♥♥♥ Gahia ♥♥♥
c'toi la feignasse...


Si certains d'entres vous veulent nous rejoindre, contactez moi par steam, on traîne également sur le mumble lors de nos orgies vidéoludiques

Citation de: ♥♥♥ Gahia ♥♥♥
ah mince j'aurai pas du employer ce mot :castor

Liens utiles :
Site du jeu : http://warthunder.com/fr/
Jeu sur steam : http://store.steampowered.com/app/236390/

Quelques vidéos :



Arbre technologique par nations
http://warthunder.com/fr/game/releasetree (http://warthunder.com/fr/game/releasetree)

Liens Wiki
http://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Category:Aviation (http://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Category:Aviation)
http://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Category:Ground_vehicles (http://wiki.warthunder.com/index.php?title=Category:Ground_vehicles)
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: PandiPanda le 19 juin 2014, 12:54:08
  Les ajouts de la MàJ 1.41.26.X
    Les batailles mixtes avions-tanks sont disponibles en arcade !
    Les connexions au réseau ont été optimisées (trafique réduit).
    Ajout de membres d'équipage visibles sur les véhicules ouverts.
Nouvelles missions/cartes:
    Nouvelle carte pour les chars: “Carpathian mountains”
    Dimension en arcade: 1.1x1.1km
    Dimension en réaliste et simulateur: 2x2km
    Nouvelles missions:
[Domination] Berlin;
[Domination] Britain;
[Domination] Korsun;
Changements dans les cartes et missions pour les unités au sol:
    Dans les missions historiques “Kuban”, “Jungle” et “Ash River”, les côtés de chaque nation ne seront plus liés à un point d'apparition spécifique.  Les points d'apparitions seront sélectionnés aléatoirement au début du match, et ne dépendent plus de la nation choisie.
    Les missions pour chars [Domination] Kuban et [Domination] Ash River voient des nouveaux évènements internes apparaître. Chaque évènement a un impact sur les chances de gagner de l'équipe
    Carte: “Kuban”
Toutes les régions Nord-Ouest de la carte, plus élevées que les régions Sud-Est, ont été rabaissées. Ceci devrait accélérer le rythme de jeu de la carte, et permettre aux tanks de changer de flancs sans passer trop de temps à grimper les pentes.
Une mission pour retrouver des documents vers la carcasse de l'avion a été ajoutée au mode [Domination].
Ajout du mode [Capture], dans lequel il faut capturer des points qui apparaissent et disparaissent sans cesse. Chaque nouvelle zone qui apparaît donne plus de point qu'une zone plus ancienne.
    Carte: “Jungle”
La partie Sud de la carte a été totalement changée. Maintenant, les joueurs peuvent l'utiliser pour flanquer l'adversaire. Les buttes sur la plage font partie de la carte, et peuvent être utilisées pour sniper.
Les rivières sont maintenant plus larges, mais moins profondes, ce qui permet de traverser les zones d'eau quasiment partout. Le centre de la carte a des routes additionnelles, autour des collines et le long des rives, ce qui offre des passages vers l'arrière des lignes ennemies.
Le bas de le zone d'apparition du côté allemand a été abaissée, pour éviter des tirs dans ou depuis la zone initiale.
La densité du feuillage a été réduite, pour rendre la carte plus "ouverte".
    Carte: “Ash River”
Le colline face à l'aérodrome Nord a été supprimée, elle entravait le décollage des bombardiers.
Changements pour les cartes et les missions des unités aériennes:
[Operation] Ruhr
Evènement avec des avions de reconnaissance désactivé, un évènement avec des avions d'attaque au sol le remplace.
Nouveaux véhicules:
    Tank premium de réserve Pz.Kpfw II ausf C avec des dessins des unités ayant servies en Afrique (+decal);
    Tank premium de réserve T-26 avec camouflage d'hivers de la 1ère Brigade Blindée de la Guarde (+decal);
    Veuillez réaliser que s'il s'agît de la toute première bataille au sol pour un joueur, avec les Allemands ou l' URSS, le joueur recevra un des tanks premiums (l'un ou l'autre, pas les deux) Ceci seulement si aucun chasseur premium de réserve n'a déjà été reçu par le passé.
    T-34 de 1941 avec une tourelle coulée en fonte et le camouflage d'hivers "ambuscade" de la 1ère Brigade Blindée de la Guarde;
    Pz IV/70 (A);
    KV-1B avec les couleurs de l'armée Finlandaise (édition spéciale limitée);
    IL-2M avec le dessin “Vengeur”;
    LaGG-3 série 34;
    Hs-129 B-2 aux couleurs de l'Armée de l'Air Roumaine;
    Changements dans les modèles de dommages et les caractéristiques techniques des véhicules:
    Correction dans l'épaisseur du blindage du Sherman M-4 "trophée" allemand
    Les modèles de dommages des IS-4M et IS-3 sont améliorés (la géométrie des plaques blindées suit plus fidèlement la géométrie affichée);
    Correction des couches d'armure de l'avant de la tourelle du tank T-43-85 avec le canon D-5T (Le trou de montage manquait, ce qui créait une "double armure" masque du canon + armure de la tourelle);
    Correction de l'épaisseur de l'armure du dessus de l'écoutille du pilote sur l'IS-3 de 20 à 30mm;
    Correction des couches d'armure de la coupole du commandant sur le Pz.Kpfw VI ausf B (avec tourelle Henschel et canon KwK46) de 100 à 150mm, en accord avec "Der Panzer-Kampfwagen Tiger und seine Abarten" page 208;
    Correction de la masse du tank Pz.Kpfw V ausf G de 43 000kg à 44 800kg, en accord avec "Panther and Its Variants" page 232.;
    Correction de la cadence de tir des canons FLaK38 de 480 à 450 tirs par minute, KwK30 de 320 à 280 tirs par minute, KwK38 de 480 à 450 tirs par minute (matériel provenant d'archives);
    Correction du modèle de dommages du Flakpanzer I: Une perte du conducteur ou du servant de l'arme mène désormait à une perte du véhicule.
    Les véhicules bots dépendent maintenant du rang des avions des joueurs;
    Correction de bugs visuels sur les I-16, Tempest, Boomerang et d'autres avions;
    Quelques corrections sur la carte "Espagne";
    Correction de la résistance du train d'atterrissage avant et arrière dans l'eau;
    Un mode daltonien est maintenant disponible lors de la personnalisation de l'affichage;
    Correction d'un bug où la quantité de carburant sélectionnée n'était pas sauvegardée si le joueur commençait avec un char;
    Les salles d'un joueur ignoré n'apparaitront plus dans la liste des batailles personnalisées disponibles;
    Correction d'un bug où les tirs des tanks n'apparaissaient pas;
    Correction de la visualisation des menus déroulants pour les obus. Les petites résolutions d'écran avec des chars ayant beaucoup d'obus différents ne devraient plus avoir de problèmes d'affichage;
    Ajout d'un indicateur de direction sur les avions, pour les chars en RB;
    Correction d'un bug ou les obus explosifs (HE) et les obus explosifs anti-tanks  (HEAT) ne faisaient vraisemblablement pas de dégâts;
    Les performances du jeu ont été améliorées;
    Correction d'un bug où l'équipage était noté en bataille alors que le véhicule avait été détruit;
    La résistance à l'air induite par le radiateur a été supprimée sur les avions n'en ayant pas;
    Meilleures animations des chenilles des tanks: le mouvement est maintenant plus lisse;
    Meilleurs rendus des calandres sur les véhicules au sol:
    Correction d'un bug où une capture d'écran pendant le chargement rendait l'écran noir;
    Amélioration des ombres des joueurs;
    Correction du message d'alerte si aucun bouton n'est assigné à "changement de vue" et "zoom";
    Correction de l'affichage des RP dans le menu de débriefing si aucune recherche n'est en cours;
    Correction du message "L'équipage n'est pas prêt" lors du chargement d'obus sur certains véhicules;
    Le “parking du canon” est supprimé: le canon ne revient pas au neutre quand le joueur vise un endroit non atteignable par le débattement du canon;
    Ajout du support pour des textures en DDS , pour les skins fait par la communauté;
    Correction de la dépendance du mode (AB / RB /SB) sur le temps de rechargement du canon;
    Correction de cas ou les avions bots attaquaient des cibles alliés.

Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Mel le 19 juin 2014, 13:21:11
War thunder c'est un excellent défouloir !!!!!
on y fait des  tatatatatatatatata et des piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiouuuuuuuwwwww ww .. BOUM BOUM BOUM BOUM !!!!


Mel, rang 1  :cerise
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: fifrelhin le 19 juin 2014, 18:57:17
en effet 2 - 3 parties permettent d'évacuer la pression
je suis plutôt :
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuu BOUM !!!!! uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuu BOUM !!!
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Nabud / Psyl le 20 juin 2014, 12:03:01
J'y ai joué au début avant qu'il n'ajoute les tanks en fait  :icon_exclaim: je le réinstall pour vol en escadrille  :albino
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: PandiPanda le 20 juin 2014, 17:55:48
l'ajout du "Les batailles mixtes avions-tanks sont disponibles en arcade ! " du dernier patch a été finalement retiré  :albino
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: ♥♥♥ Gahia ♥♥♥ le 20 juin 2014, 19:28:27
*Vient de voir cette escroquerie sur le 1er post*

Han a part la dernière phrase, c'est pas moi qui pose les questions !!! Sont trop subtiles :p

Mais sinon, c'est vraiment un jeu vot machin ???? Nan, c'pas possible, j'y crois pas..je veux des preuves !

Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Mel le 27 juin 2014, 19:22:14
c'est quoi, de nouveaux n'avions ?
j'avance progressivement, je finit doucement à tout maxer en t1 tout en débloquant et en jouant avec les t2..
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: PandiPanda le 27 juin 2014, 21:09:53
Ui, une roadmap des prochains avions qui seront rajoutés ( en jaune ).
Manque les USA pas encore publié.

et puis les tanks pour les autres nations :d
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: ♥♥♥ Gahia ♥♥♥ le 27 juin 2014, 21:36:06
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Mel le 27 juin 2014, 21:57:51
en tout cas aujourd'hui y a mass bonus, j'vais refaire quelques boumboum avant d'aller dodotter
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: PandiPanda le 30 juin 2014, 17:21:42
un futur avion US à découper des sapins :sapin
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Nabud / Psyl le 05 juillet 2014, 10:57:06
J'ai réactivé mon compte et retrouvé tout mes petits  :albino
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Jaaloor le 05 juillet 2014, 11:42:01
Mais au fait .... y'a pas les français !!
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Hara le 05 juillet 2014, 13:58:53
Ils se sont fait éliminer par les Allemands !  :grin :albino
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Gortack le 05 juillet 2014, 14:20:26
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Enorhiel le 06 juillet 2014, 00:52:26
 :)) :)) :)) :))
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: PandiPanda le 06 juillet 2014, 20:10:32
y a juste un avion francais perdu dans la branche anglaise, et en plus c'est uniquement débloquable via l'achat d'un pack  :albino
le Dewoitine D.520, tier 2

Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Enorhiel le 06 juillet 2014, 20:42:23
En cours de dl vous m'avez donné envie :)
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: kfren le 16 juillet 2014, 09:59:38
Suis tout nouveau ici mais je jouais également a War thunder avant la sortie des tank. Je vais mettre a jour au cas ou. Au passage j'ai adoré ce jeu qui comme certains le disent déjà est un excellent défouloir.

Pour les avions ma préférence va vers les Russes, les LAGG, les YAK et les LA5 qui sont vifs et rapide. J'aime également trés fortement le Beaufighter un heavy fighter Anglais.
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Kinoin le 02 août 2014, 15:30:08
Hej, j'ai dl le jeu y'a une semaine ou deux, et j'y passe de temps en temps une petite demi heure.

Mon pseudo est Kinoin (je sais même pas si on peut jouer ensemble, mais je veux bien peindre une photo de Gahia sur mon hydravion)
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Jaaloor le 02 août 2014, 16:45:48
han mais en groupe c'est vachement mieux !
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: PandiPanda le 20 août 2014, 18:44:02


vous m'en mettrez deux caisses de HO 229 svp merci
( visiblement dans le prochain gros patch dans les 2-3 semaines qui arrivent  :yahoo )
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Fred le 20 août 2014, 19:51:31
Pfff... c'est d'un triste ces avions tout gris  :albino
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Mel le 01 septembre 2014, 21:06:33
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: PandiPanda le 09 octobre 2014, 18:27:33
la 1.43 est ( enfin ) là ! gros patch....

changelog pour les curieux ou les testeurs de molettes souris  :albino
General changes:
 •New air and ground vehicles
 •Possibility to view detailed armouring model and inner modules locations for the ground forces in hangar
New arcade tank battle mode
The destruction of enemy vehicles now adds an opportunity to activate a special “aerial battle”, where players can participate in the form of temporary flyouts using an  attacker or bomber.

The activation of an aerial battle grants other players the possibility of using a fighter to destroy or protect the initiator of the battle. Players who are in the squad with the initiator will receive a head-start on selecting the fighter

Aircraft used in aerial battles are not aircraft that players have necessarily unlocked – they are specifically set for the mission. Those aircraft require no repair or leveling and progress on them will go towards tank progress.

Artillery support mechanics have been re-worked. Now they can be stored to a maximum of three strikes and will  also require enemy vehicle destruction to be activated.

More details in the DevBlog

New Realistic Battle mode:
Destroying enemy vehicles, dealing damage and capturing zones will give you earned points which you may spend for further respawns in any vehicles set in your line-up before the battle.

After starting the session, each player in the team will receive an initial 400 Points which he spends to get the first vehicle to participate in the battle;

Matchmaking is calculated according to the vehicle that has maximum BR in the line-up;

If the player fails to earn enough points for respawn before his vehicle is destroyed, he withdraws from the battle;

A team wins once it accomplishes the mission’s task or destroys all enemy vehicles – the same as for standard War Thunder missions.

The given numbers are calculated if the vehicle you wish to respawn in has highest BR in the battle. If there are vehicles with higher BR than the vehicle you want to respawn in, you will need to spend less points.

With BR difference of 1.0 and more in your line-up maximum step-down ratio is 0.75

Air Race mode has been added:
You can compete against other players in track completion speed and gain rewards for victories in the Events (but it will be available in both Custom Battles and in the Events)

New location was created for that mode where race will commence –  “Tropical Island”.

Repairs will be much lower in that mode than in any other mode

•New locations and maps
 •New hangar design
 •New environment and weapons sounds
 •Vehicle presets
 •New achievements and rewards
The automatic punishment system for unsportsmanlike behaviour will now take into account rams and friendly fire hits.

Kill credit system now has different timers to count hit damage for different game modes (time doubled for RB and SB)

Fixed error in the kill credit for bombers (killed co-pilot was counted as a critical hit and would award a kill after the aircraft would be destroyed later)

Fixed an error when kill credit would not be assigned if target would crash too fast.

Hangar has been significantly visually reworked

Visibility calculations were changed for aircraft RB battles. Now even marked enemy will be shown only at limited distance (6km)

All tank modes have been changed – multi-spawns on one crew slot which depended on vehicle type now removed for all vehicles, except reserves (repairs on all tanks that had multi-spawn available have been significantly reduced)

Lead indicator for aircraft on tanks has been removed in RB. Now only anti-air vehicles have indicator for aircraft.

Automatic gear shift on the tanks now works with “Mouse Aim”, “Simplified” and “Realistic” controls. Manual gears available on “Full Real” controls.

Now you can buy partially researched modules with proportionally partial price in golden eagles

Minor changes in research points introduced and also purchase prices and training for crews to make player progress smoother in vehicle research

Сolour correction effects setup variations have been changed (“Autumn colours”, “Film”, “Grayscale”, “Sepia”)

Pilots will no longer be displayed with “Low Quality” textures selected.

Visibility through the cockpit glass has been slightly improved

Reflection of the chrome surfaces on PS4 were fixed

Performance on all ground forces locations has been improved for DirecX11

Automatic squad feature has been enabled:
All players that weren’t squaded before the battle will be automatically divided into auto-squads

If player selects re-spawn in random spawn point, he will be spawned at the point that is closer to players from his squad (this works for normal squads as well)

Players from auto-squads will have the ability to gain additional awards for squads, just like players in usual squads

Auto-squads will look different from normal squads in the player list

Players can disable the automatic squad feature in the game options

Replay view interface has been significantly changed and improved (PC/Mac)

Tutorial and Events buttons have been visually changed.

Added vehicle presets for crews. It will allow to quickly swap the vehicles for all crews

Spectator view screen has been significantly reworked (available in custom battles)

Added camera for ground forces that displays in detail how player vehicle got destroyed

Armour view mode has been added:
Possibility to view detailed armouring model and inner modules locations for the ground forces in hangar

Added possibility to view inner modules of the tank in battle (default keybind – i). Different colours show different conditions – intact, damaged or destroyed modules and crew

New icons for shells (more details in our devblog):
Shell icons now contain information about piercing and casualty-producing properties of the shells

A more detailed description of tank shells

Added range input control for tank aiming sights (required key assignment for range input control)


Locations and missions:
Many minor fixes based on bugreports of players

Mission for aerobatic teams, where both teams start from the same spawn point, with the possibility to start from parking area at the airfield, or near aerobatic cube. Aerobatic route near factory exists for aircraft with good maneuverability as well as a “straight” one with passage under the bridge and turn.

New locations have been added:

Three modes have been added: “Domination”, “Сonquest”, “Battle”

Three modes have been added: “Domination”, “Сonquest”, “Battle”

“Operation” mode for RB and SB multiplayer mission

“Ground attack” mode for AB multiplayer mission

Five single player missions

Tropical Island
“Race” mode available

Changes on existing locations:

Fixed balance on capture points

Error that leads to a player being spawned inside rocks has been fixed

Several places with unreasonably sudden drops in landscape, which lead to suspension system to be damaged, have been fixed

Grass palette of the grass has been changed, colours look more realistical now

Textures of rocks, cliffs and sand scars have been changed

Location became bigger and more open

Landscape has been flattened, which should provide more comfortable gameplay for vehicles with bad depression angles

Hill has been removed

Lake has been added

Old “dug-out” positions have been replaced with new ones

Several caponiers have been added to the battlefield

Craters from artillery hits have been added

Added new models of destroyed tanks and their turrets, as cover. Old ones replaced for new.

Added crashed Bf109 and Pe-2 as a decoration.

Airfields were moved closer, based on players feedback

Added targets for bombers

New modes have been added. They are all collected in one under custom battles – you are able to select them in the mission settings.

Five single player missions have been added

Ash River
Cargo rail cars have been added close to Northern capture point, near destroyed railroad bridge. No gameplay functionality – destructible.


New ground vehicles:




T-54 type 1947

T-III  (Pz.Kpfw III Ausf. J(L/42))

Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind

Flakpanzer IV Ostwind

Flakpanzer V Coelian

Flakpanzer IV Kugelblitz

Pz.Kpfw II Ausf. H

Pz.Kpfw III Ausf. J (L/60)

Pz.Kpfw IV Ausf. J

Pz.Bfw IV Ausf. J

Marder III

Sturmgeschütz III Ausf. G

KV-1 mit Kw.K.-40

New aircraft


Fw 190 A-8 (USA)

Ki-43-II (USA)

Fw 190 A-4

Ho 229 V-3

Tempest MK.V (Germany)

Yak-1B (Germany)

Bf.109 G2 (Romanian) – will be available at a later time

I-16 type 5




P-47D (USSR)

Lancaster Mk.I

Canberra B. Mk.2

Venom FB. Mk.4

Catalina Mk. IVa

Ki-27 otsu







B-17E (Japan)


New decals and skins:
New decals:
French Naval Aviation Roundel

Snake design 6/StG 2

Romanian Air Force Roundel

Austrian Air Force Roundel

Swiss Air Force Roundel

Finnish Air Force Roundel

Korean People’s Army Air Force Roundel

Royal Netherlands Air Force Insignia

Royal Norwegian Air Force Roundel

Swedish Air Force Roundel

“Burma” badge of No.257 Squadron, RAF

Badge of 820 Naval Air Squadron, Fleet Air Arm of the British Royal Navy

Badge of 825 Naval Air Squadron, Fleet Air Arm of the British Royal Navy

Badge of VT-3 Squadron, US Navy

“Swallow” of 125 GvBAP

“Sun Setter” text

User skins from live:
Justin “Spogooter” Kramer
I-153 M-62: Number “16″. Non-standard field camouflage

B-24D: 512th Squadron desert camouflage

Ki-10-II: Red/White aerobatic camouflage

Ki-10-II: Aerobatic Yellow/Black camouflage

Nathan “NOA_” Ceulemans
CL-13A Sabre Mk.6: JG 71 camouflage

Me 262 A-1a: III./JG 7 camouflage

P-38G: Invasion stripes camouflage

S.F. “Gudkarma” Radzikowski
F6F-3/5P: VF-84 Squadron

Ki-61-I hei: 244th Sentai camouflage

Ki-84 ko: 102nd Sentai camouflage

Orest “_TerremotO_” Tsypiashchuk
P-39N-0 Airacobra: “Pantie Bandit”

P-51D-30 Mustang: 78th FG, 44-64147 “Big Dick”

F8F-1B Bearcat: South Vietnam, 1964

Colin “fenris” Muir
HS 129 B-2: 8.(Pz)/SG 2 desert camouflage

HS 129 B-2: 10.(Pz)/SG 9 winter camouflage

Spitfire Mk Vb: 92nd Squadron RAF

Damage model and the ground forces combat characteristics:
Improved operating principle of the AP fuses, now they will trigger upon impact with obstacle of the set thickness on all distances. Parameter is now listed in the shell tooltip

Separate fuel tanks and ammunition loads now calculated as separate modules for all ground vehicles

BT-7 characteristics have been changed. It now has 3-step gearbox. Elevation angles changed from -5+28 to -6+26 degrees, minimal elevation angle towards the hull is -1,5 degrees. Ammunition changed from 188 to 146 shells. According to: “БТ-7 Руководство службы” (BT-7 service manual)

KV-1 with L11 cannon characteristics have been changed. Battle mass from 44.4t to 46t. Ammunition from 116 to 111 shells. Engine power from 550 to 600hp at 1800rpm. According to “Тяжелый гусеничный танк КВ-1 1940 г. Кировского завода. Внешний вид. Основные тактико-технические данные. РГВА. Ф.31811. Оп.3. Д.2014. Л.16.” (Heavy track tank KV-1 1940 year of production from Kirov factory. Visual appearance. Main tactic-technical data)

KV-1E with F32 (and Finnish KV-1B) characteristics have been changed. Battle mass from 46t to 48.95t (total mass of the shielding – 2940kg). Ammunition from 116 to 111 shells. Engine power from 550 to 600hp at 1800rpm. According to: “Тяжелый гусеничный танк КВ-1 1940 г. Кировского завода. Внешний вид. Основные тактико-технические данные. РГВА. Ф.31811. Оп.3. Д.2014. Л.16.” (Heavy track tank KV-1 1940 year of production from Kirov factory. Visual appearance. Main tactic-technical data) “М. Коломиец. Ленинградские КВ Конструирование и производство. Москва Тактикал Пресс” (M.Kolomiets. Leningrad’s KV. Design and Manufacture. Moscow. Tactical Press)

Pz.Kpfw V “Panther” series have been fixed.
For Ausf.D version – turret rotation speed was decreased from 12 to 6 degrees per second. On that version of the tank there was M4S full hydraulic drive installed with no dependency of the rpm on the turret turn speed. According to “ Jentz, Thomas L. Germany’s Panther Tank. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., 1995.”

For Ausf. A/G/F versions – turret rotation speed was increased from 12 to 15 degrees per second. On that version of the tank there was L4S full hydraulic drive installed with dependency of the rpm on the turret turn speed. According to: “ Jentz, Thomas L. Germany’s Panther Tank. Atglen, PA: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., 1995.”

Pz.Kpfw VI Tiger II – turret rotation speed was increased to 18.5 degrees per second. According to “Kingtiger Heavy Tank 1942-1945 (Vanguard No 1) by Tom Jentz, Hilary Doyle and Peter Sarson” “Tiger Tanks at War” by Michael Green, MBI Publishing Company”

T-70 rate of fire decreased from 20 to 15 shots per minute

A-19S cannon (ISU-122) rate of fire was increased from 2.1 to 2.5 shots per minute

D-25S cannon (ISU-122S) rate of fire was increased from 3.12 to 3.62 shots per minute

Flight model
More accurate calculation of the induction coefficient depending on Mach number has been implemented, thus all jet aircraft flight models have been updated;

The simulation of piston engines at high altitude has been improved;

For some engines there were automatically controlled engine superchargers added to increase efficiency on every step;

Changed display of the second step run of boost in ASH-82 F-FN engine (boost is not working, WEP is highlighted in gray colour)

Arado 234B-2 has been given air start, since it could not take off from most of the airfields

Flight models of La-5/5-F/5-FN/7/7-B20 have been adjusted (you can see the changes in updated data sheets)

LaGG-3-34 has been tuned according to the data sheet

LaGG-3-35 has been tuned according to the data sheet

LaGG-3-66 has been tuned according to the data sheet

LaGG-3-8/11 engine-propeller combination properties have been specified (added takeoff mode for M-105P engine), improved takeoff and landing characteristics

F6F-3 has been tuned according to the data sheet

F4F-3 has been tuned according to the data sheet

F4F-4 has been tuned according to the data sheet

B-17E/G maximum possible structural load of the aircraft was re-calculated (will be destroyed during overload

B-24-D has been tuned according to the data sheet

Lancaster Mk.III has been tuned according to the data sheet

Lancaster Mk.I has been tuned according to the data sheet

Beaufighter Mk.VIc has been tuned according to the data sheet

Beaufighter Mk.X has been tuned according to the data sheet

Beaufighter Mk.21 has been tuned according to the data sheet

Bristol Beaufort Mk.VIII has been tuned according to the data sheet

H6K4 has been tuned according to the data sheet

Ki-43-I has been tuned according to the data sheet

Ki-27b (Otsu) has been tuned according to the data sheet

Ki-96 improved dynamical characteristics (acceleration-deceleration). Landing on full control will be easier now.

M.C.202 has been tuned according to the data sheet

Yak-1 has been tuned according to the data sheet

Yak-9 has been tuned according to the data sheet

N1-K2J/Ja improved dynamical characteristics (acceleration-deceleration). Shortened take-off time. Landing on full control will be easier now.

BF-109 -E1/E3 added fully manual control to speed governor for full engine control (be careful not to break the engine). No changes for automatic controls.

P-47D-25/28 added possibility to control turbine speed for full engine control (attention, over revving turbine will cause the engine damage)

Dewoitine D.520 has been tuned according to the data sheet

Dewoitine D.521 has been tuned according to the data sheet

FW-190 A-4 has been tuned according to the data sheet

Ju-87 D/G series – fuel consumption has been corrected. Those aircraft now consume less fuel

All modifications of Ki-45 – improved dynamical characteristics (acceleration-deceleration). Landing on full control will be easier now.

He-112 A/B/V flight models have been updated – changed how compressor speeds work.

F-82E improved dynamical characteristics (acceleration-deceleration).

He-111 H-3 has been tuned according to the data sheet

He-111 H-6 has been tuned according to the data sheet

He-111 H-16 has been tuned according to the data sheet

Ju-88 A-4 has been tuned according to the data sheet

S.M. 79 (1936) has been tuned according to the data sheet

S.M. 79 (1941) has been tuned according to the data sheet

S.M. 79 Bis has been tuned according to the data sheet

S.M. 79B has been tuned according to the data sheet

F4U series has been tuned according to the data sheet

Petlaykov’s Pe-2 (up to 110 th series) and Pe-3 has been tuned according to the data sheet

La-9 preliminary tuned according to the data sheet

Me-163/Ki-200 – fixed destruction of the wing when it touches the ground during the landing

Armament and modifications
Damage of 4000 lbs British bomb “Cookie” has been fixed;

Added new bomb loads for Avro Lancaster:
14x250lbs bombs

14x1000lbs bombs

1×4000 + 6×1000 + 2×250 lbs bombs

Sight angles for the Do.217 top turret have been fixed;

Sight angles for the AR-2 top turret have been fixed;

Pod-type armaments have been added for USA jet fighter F-84B – various combinations of HVAR rockets, Tiny Tim and bombs from 100 to 1000 pounds.

Order of bomb release was changed for Swordfish Mk.I

Calculations of the height for torpedo launch has been fixed (on some locations it was hard to launch the torpedo without damaging it)

Reload time of 15 mm MG 151 cannons have been changed for Arcade. Now they will be 40 seconds for untrained crew.

Added 1000 lbs bombs for underwing holders for Tempest Mk.V and Tempest Mk.II

The following engine  modifications have been either removed or changed according to aircraft’s FM (since the purchased modification did not work properly):
 P-26A-33, P-26A-34 M2, P-26B-35, P-38G, F2A-1, F2A-3, F4F-3, F4F-4, B-17E, B-17E/L, B-17G, B-25J-1, B-25J-20, PBY-5, PBY-5a

 CR.42 Falco, He.112V-5, He.112A-0, He.112B-0, Bf.109E-1, Bf.109E-3, Bf.109F-1, Bf.109F-2, Bf.109F-4, Bf.109F-4/trop, Bf.109G-2, Do.217M-1

 I-153 (M-62), I-16 type 18, I-16 type 24, I-16 type 27, BB-1, SB-2M-105, Ar-2, Pe-2-110, Pe-2-359

 Gladiator Mk.II, Gladiator Mk.IIF, Gladiator Mk.IIS, Spitfire Mk.Ia, Spitfire Mk.Vb/trop, Spitfire LF. Mk.IX, Spitfire F. Mk.IX, Spitfire F. Mk.XVI, Spitfire F Mk.XIVe, Spitfire F Mk.22, Spitfire F Mk.24, Typhoon Mk.1a, Typhoon Mk.1b/L, Beaufighter Mk.VIc,

 F1M2, B5N2, B7A2, D3A1, Ki-45 ko, Ki-45 tei, Ki-45 hei, Ki-102 otsu

•All modifications that were removed will be compensated with RP, Silver Lions or Golden Eagles, depending on how they were purchased. RP will be awarded in the current module that is under the research after first battle complete.
Machinegun ammunition load on A6M2, A6M3 and A6M5 fighters have been fixed

Ammunition for P-51D-20 and P-51D-30 have been fixed

Order of modifications research have been changed for aircraft of the 5-th rank. Now research will go smoother for getting new updates for a jet aircraft

Balance and progression
Prices on unlockable shells for tank cannons have been changed:
Prices on sub-caliber shells were decreased three times

Prices on unlockable caliber and high-explosive shells (if their penetration are higher than armour-piercing shells) were increased by 2 to 3 times, depending on type of shell and its penetration

Prices for high-explosive shells with penetration being less than armour-piercing caliber, were decreased in 2 times.

Certain aircraft changed their position in the research trees:
PBY-5 and PBY-5a are no longer united into one slot

Fiat fighter group (Cr.42, G.50) and Macchi fighter group (MC.200 together with included there MC.202) are now placed at the first rank before Fw.190A-1. At the same time conditions to get Fw.190A-1 have not been changed (you don’t necessary need to get italian aircraft in order to start researching Focke Wulf line)

Savoia-Marchetti bomber group (together with included SM.79B in it) have been moved to the German bomber line

Ju.88A-4 is now placed at first rank

German research tree now how two columns for premium and gift vehicles, just like all the rest of the nations

Yak-9k and Yak-9t are no longer united in one group

MiG-3 of 34 series is no longer placed outside of the MiG-3 group

LaGG-3-35 and LaGG-3-66 are no longer united in one group

Pe-3 and Pe-3bis are no longer united in one group

SB-2M-105 is no longer positioned in SB-2 group

Yer-2 bombers with ATCH-30B engine are separated into another group

Tu-2S is no longer placed in the group with late Tu-2

Both A6M5 are now placed at 3-d rank and united in one group

All A6M3 fighters are united in one group

N1K2-J and N1K2-Ja are now united in one group

Ki-43-I and Ki-43-II are now united in one group and placed at second rank

Ki-45ko is now placed at first rank, outside of Ki-45 group

Ki-45hei is now placed outside of Ki-45 group – right after it

Aviation Damage Model
HE shells effect on aircraft framework has been fixed

Immediate fire extinctions on aircraft issue have been fixed

Sounds of trees cracking and falling have been added;

Sounds of destructible objects have been added;

Sounds for traverse and elevation for some tank models were adjusted;

Volume levels for certain sound events were adjusted;

Added better volumetric effect for shots from tank and aircraft ammunition;

Sound from shutting Spitfire Griffon engine is now synchronized with animation;

Firerate sound of the M2 machine gun now adjusted according to its real characteristics;

Added new sounds for heavy tank tracks;

Changed compression rate of some of the sound events. They now will be in better quality;

Removed click in the Hellcat engine sounds when it reaches high rpm;

AN/M2 cannon, which is the US Licensed production version of the Hispano Mk II, was updated with sounds more appropriate to its characteristics;

New sounds for the Breda-Safat 77 machine gun;

New sounds for the ShVAK cannon (both ground and air versions);

New sounds for the MG 17 machine gun;

New sounds for the MG 131 machine gun;

New sounds for the MG 151 cannon;

New sounds for the Type97 machine gun;

New sounds for the ShKAS machine gun;

New sounds for the Type99 cannon;

New sounds for the Breda-Safat 127 machine gun;

New awards:
New titles:
Pyromaniac – awarded to tankers for putting enemy ground vehicles on fire

Superhero – awarded for finishing “Hero of the Sky”, “Thunderer”, “Survivor”, “Punisher” and “Wingman” challenges

New streaks:
“Without a waste” – awarded to tankers for firing at the enemy without a miss

“Without a miss” – awarded to tankers for destroying the enemy vehicles without a miss

“Intelligence” –  awarded for tanker if allied pilot destroyed marked enemy ground vehicle (marking done by button that selects the target)

“According to Intelligence” – awarded for pilots, who destroy ground vehicles that are marked by tankers

New challenges:
“Early Entry” – awarded to players for getting “Fist Strike” streak

“Decisive Shot” – awarded to players for getting “Last Strike” streak

“Alpha and Omega” – awarded to players for getting “Mission Maker” streak

“Hero of the Sky” – awarded to players for getting similarly-named streak

“Thunderer” – awarded to players for getting similarly-named streak

“Survivor” – awarded to players for getting similarly-named streak

“Punisher” – awarded to players for getting similarly-named streak

“Wingman” – awarded to players for getting similarly-named streak

“Ground Multistrike” – awarded to players for getting similarly-named streak

“Aerial Multistrike” – awarded to players for getting similarly-named streak

“Water Multistrike” – awarded to players for getting similarly-named streak

“The Best Squad” – awarded to players for getting similarly-named streak

Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Mel le 09 octobre 2014, 18:31:50
ah, je patche!! bon j'y rejouerai plus tard

sinon http://warthunder.com/fr/news/348-Mise--Jour-143-fr !
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: PandiPanda le 31 octobre 2014, 17:15:21
Attention spécial anniversaire du jeu 2 ans  :annif
From 31st October (2pm GMT) till 3rd November (9am GMT):

50% off for Premium account for 90 and 365 days

At 1st November :

ALL aircraft and ground vehicles in War Thunder, and free RP conversion TWICE as cheap!

At 2nd November :

ALL modifications and crew qualifications TWICE as cheap!
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: PandiPanda le 06 novembre 2014, 19:09:13
Bon goro tu n'as plus d'excuses pour passer nous voir un soir dans les airs


 :albino :albino
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: PandiPanda le 24 février 2015, 18:28:56
Update 1.47 dispo !

http://warthunder.com/en/news/2880-update-1-47-big-guns-en (http://warthunder.com/en/news/2880-update-1-47-big-guns-en) :albino
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: PandiPanda le 02 mai 2015, 20:35:33
Suite au denier patch petit changement sur la liste des contacts  :albino , il faut virer tout le monde et remettre en place les contacts ( action mutuelle sinon on ne voit plus nos statuts ) ceci étant une parade contre le harcelement  :castor

Dear Pilots and Tankers,
                                      As part of the Weapons of Victory update (1.70.1949.XX) there has been a change to the Friends List and the interactions between players.
Changelog => http://warthunder.co...log/current/439
 •Daily awards interface has been changed.
 •Format of Information regarding damage to enemy ground vehicles has been changed.
 •Player status (online/offline or in the battle) would be shown only for mutual friends. This allows you to hide your presence in the game from your enemies.
Many of you have become confused with this change.  You must now cross-friend all those who you wish to interact with.  You MUST friend themAND they MUST friend you for it to function correctly.   You need to now contact and cross friend all those players that you choose to play with.
This is NOT A BUG - it is an intentional change.
Everyone needs to actually complete the de-friending/be-friending process before it functions fully.
To complete the process remove any name(s) from the search field and click Friends for your list to return or restart your client for the changes to fully take effect.
This ensures that the "who's online" system is only usable by mutual friends.   This has been changed to prevent the harassment of players.
WT Staff 
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: PandiPanda le 29 mars 2016, 17:34:34
<souffle sur la poussière>

Un dernier rajout au jeu spécial Hara !
(http://tof.canardpc.com/preview2/0416fd72-de80-437f-9aea-857639c94a2e.jpg) (http://tof.canardpc.com/view/0416fd72-de80-437f-9aea-857639c94a2e.jpg)

On peut mettre des buissons sur des blindés !
Titre: Re : War thunder
Posté par: Hara le 02 avril 2016, 01:26:34
Haaaaaaaaan! KRUM!