
Auteur Sujet: [Seed] c'est déjà fini...  (Lu 3019 fois)

Hors ligne Gortack

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[Seed] c'est déjà fini...
« le: 29 septembre 2006, 00:24:07 »
Après seulement quelques mois d'exploitation, Seed ferme ses portes... la compagnie n'a plus de sous tout simplement... Voilà un avertissement pour tout les prochains MMORPG...le marché est restreint et seuls quelques uns s'en sortiront ^^^^ (j'attends la meme nouvelle pour DnL d'ici peu^^)

We’ve reached the end of the road [September 28, 2006]

Open letter to the community

For the past two months, I and a few others have attempted to sell a partnership deal to a long list of publishers and MMO companies, trying to raise the capital we needed to finish the game properly, and re-launch it in a form it, and especially you the community, deserve. While we have received a great deal of interest, we have not been able to close a deal. The harsh reality is that we have now officially run out of money, and out of options, and therefore, we cannot pay salaries, rent or hosting fees.

What this means to you, is unfortunately that you will only be able to play Seed for a very limited time. We will have a little “goodbye” ceremony this Sunday at 20 CEST. I will be there, in the garden, as Magellan. He was the first character online, and he will be the last. I hope some of you guys will be there too, even if the occasion is sad. After that day, the servers may be less stable and reliable, and AD GMs will only be online on their own free time, if at all. Same goes for Runestone Staff.

For us, it means that the dream of Seed and Runestone is over. It has been a wild, weird ride, full of frustration, triumph, joy, stress and fun, but never boredom. We have all learned incredibly much about game development, the gaming business and MMOs.

We’ve made some major mistakes, and some smart moves along the way, but in the end, we simply tried to do too much, with too few funds, which I guess is a typical “Rookie”, and even veteran error.

I, for one, would do it all over again, although I would do a great many things differently next time around.

For the MMO community and business as such, the rise and fall of Runestone probably doesn’t mean that much, but I hope MMO execs out there reading this letter will draw the *right* conclusions from Runestone and Seed, and *not* the wrong ones.

One thing I would hate to see happen as a result of our failure would be a consensus forming that the idea about a non-combat, role play-centric MMO is a bad idea.

It isn’t.

I am still fully convinced that a role play-centric game is not only a good idea: It’s a great idea. It just needs to be better executed. Seed has many of the right qualities for such a game, and I still firmly believe that, given sufficient funding, we could have created a great game.

Unfortunately, we will never know.

We’ve reached the end of the road, and to all those of you who have followed us along this wild, weird ride I say a big, big thank you. It’s been a pleasure serving you our game, and your constant faith in us has been a major morale booster when times seemed tough.

I hope Seed gave you some enjoyment, some great times and some fun along the way, maybe even some new friends. I hope you will demand more from your future games in terms of role playing with other players, and in terms of player influence in the world.

‘Cause that’s what role playing games and role playing communities are all about. The people playing them.

Lars Kroll Kristensen
CEO, Runestone Game Development

Hors ligne Gortack

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Re : [Seed] c'est déjà fini...
« Réponse #2 le: 29 septembre 2006, 08:58:54 »
un MMORPG futuriste que cybele et moi avions tenté de beta tester ^^

Trop de lag nous avait totalement découragé...

Sinon sur le principe c'était orienté craft et diplomatie (aucun combat) avec une interactivité très forte des joueurs sur le monde... mais bon, le concept n'attirait pas tant que ça les joueurs et les graphismes (en cell shading) étaient très particuliers (personnellement je n'avais pas accroché)


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Re : [Seed] c'est déjà fini...
« Réponse #3 le: 29 septembre 2006, 14:41:02 »
Vi le jeu avait l'air sympathique dans son gameplay et dans ses principes.
c'est vraiment triste, non pas pour le jeu en lui même, mais pour l'équipe qui a travailler dessus car pour eux la déception doit être immense.
Il semble que l'on en revienne toujours à la même rengaine. Les jeux non orientés "baston" on du mal a vivre voir même à naître et cela aussi est vraiment regrettable.



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