
Auteur Sujet: Update 11 - La traîtrise de la Main Blanche  (Lu 20608 fois)


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Update 11 - La traîtrise de la Main Blanche
« le: 20 avril 2013, 01:05:42 »
... bientôt sur les serveurs de tests (mercredi 24, selon les estimations du jour). Donc, release note provisoire mercredi :)

Au programme (dans les très grandes lignes) dans cet update:
* Les Présents de Hobbits
* Extention du livre épique
* Nouvelle région
* Changements sur le système d'entretient et de saisie des maisons
* Nouvelle techno pour le launcher
* Bug fixes

Vous noterez que la refonte des classes par arbres de compétences n'est pas dans cette release, alors que c'était initialement prévu (confirmé officiellement).

Pour rappel, voici l'historique des informations glanées:
Citation de: de chat#2
A propos de l'Update 11:
- L'Update 10 ne proposera pas de nouvelle quête de Livre, mais il y en aura une très grosse pour l'Update 11
- L'Update 11 ajoutera une nouvelle région d'une taille similaire à celle du Grand Fleuve, qui autorisera le combat monté
- Des nouveautés pour le combat monté arriveront également avec l'Update 11
- Les prochaines mises à jour du jeu accorderont plus d'importance aux spécialisations de classe (sacrifier de la protection pour se focaliser sur le DPS ou inversement, etc.). "Toutes les classes devront faire des choix difficiles"

Citation de: dev chat#4
Update 11:
* L'update 11 sera gratuite pour les VIP
* Nouveaux traits et compétences de Montures de Guerre avec l'update 11
* Pas de hausse de niveau
* (pour rappel, il s'agit des Collines Rugissantes, zone entre le sud du Grand Fleuve, le Plateau (Rohan) et Fangorn)

* Pas de nouvelles instances, escarmouches ou rescale avec l'update 11. Perso, je pense pas qu'il y en aura non plus avec l'update 12 (prochain addon payant). L'équipe spécialisée sur les instances travaille actuellement sur le Gouffre de Helm, et vera ensuite sur quoi ils travailleront.
* L'update 11 est actuellement sur le serveur QA/alpha-test de Turbine.
(selon les infos glanées, la zone devrait se trouver ici, et être de taille similaire au Grand Fleuve: )

(j'ai par ailleurs grillé un pont en construction au sud du camp de Limeclaire, le long du fleuve, qui n'était pas là avant)
« Modifié: 25 avril 2013, 01:25:42 par Walm »


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Re : Update 11
« Réponse #1 le: 25 avril 2013, 01:23:18 »
Première rc sur le serveur beta, et la release note:

Map de la zone:
Je l'ai parcourue à cheval, ca m'a semblé très (trop) grand, dans un style graphique et géographie assez intéressant. C'est assez joli.
L'ensemble des mobs sont de niveau 85 (il me semble que Le Grand Fleuve avait des quêtes et mobs de niveau 73 à 75).

Nouvelles reliques 85:

2 nouvelles réputations a farmer, avec son lot de récompenses, dont plein de recettes (dans le même schéma que pour la sortie du grand Fleuve)... mais pas de monture liées à la réputation :'(

Nouveaux objets améliorables via la réputation et des jetons: les objets de poche gold

(vous remarquerez le dernier: +5% aux soins :) )

Quelques remarques au hasard:
* Les taches des Landes Farouches donnent de la réputation \o/
* Certains Maitre des forges font aussi Maitre des Reliques (faut faire des économies de personnel :D)
* Je trouve le nouveau système d'alertes (les icônes en bas à droite) complètement pourri: les informations importantes sont masquées (il n'y a un compteur). Il faut alors cliquer sur l'icone pour ouvrir une fenêtre qui liste les alertes (nouvelle prouesse, arme légendaire à reforger, points turbine gagnés, nouveau courrier...).
* Les cadeaux de hobbits m'ont donné un butin pour joueur de niveau 1 (revendable 100pa) et une potion de renouveau.
* J'ai repéré beaucoup de quêtes dynamiques (qui se lancent en tuant un mob ou en entrant dans une zone).
* Accélérer ses prouesses coûtera maintenant 15 jetons de mithril.
* J'ai repéré deux nouvelles troupes de guerre (mais il peut y en avoir plus, les maps sont bugguées)
* Curieusement, les prouesses de tueurs n'ont pas l'air d'avoir de version avancées, et n'ont pas l'air de donner de vertus :/ (à confirmer)
* Il y a beaucoup de bugs et énormément de TBD, je pense pas que la sortie de la zone soit pour demain ;)

Voilà, c'est tout... pour le moment.
« Modifié: 25 avril 2013, 04:24:25 par Walm »

Hors ligne Gortack

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Re : Update 11 - La traîtrise de la Main Blanche
« Réponse #2 le: 25 avril 2013, 13:09:45 »
La carte de la zone

Le patch note de Bullroarer

Update 11: Treachery of the White Hand Release notes – BULLROARER ONLY (1)

    The following release notes are for the Bullroarer public test server only and may not reflect the final list of changes or updates included at release.

    These notes are not final.

    Of Special Note

    New Launcher
    The LOTRO Launcher no longer requires .net 1.1. You will notice several changes, especially during patching/updating.

    New Region
    Wildermore, north of East Rohan, offers new quests, new warbands, and a whole new series of Endgame activities and rewards. A vector from East Rohan will lead players into the snow covered fields and hills.

    Epic Story
    Book 10: Snows of Wildermore continues the Epic story into Wildermore, discovering the source of the sudden change in weather and the new dangers in Wildermore. Along the way players catch up on what the Rangers have been doing since they were last encountered.

    Mounted Combat Update
    Mounted Combat receives a significant update, with the yellow trait tree being integrated into the base War-steed for optimal maneuverability. In place of the previous movement trait tree, each class will get their own specific yellow tree, with boost and skills tailored to each role.

    Hobbit Presents
    Once a day, every day, players will get a new alert letting you know that you have received a special Hobbit gift. Clicking below the Silver Daily Gift or the Gold Weekly gift will display the reward you've gotten and other rewards you could have won. Gold Hobbit gifts offer a greater chance of getting the top level gifts. After free rolls are used, all players can use Mithril Coins to roll for either more Silver Hobbit gifts or Gold Hobbit gifts.

    Alert space changes
    The new Alerts Panel is intended to allow you to see all of your alerts at one time. This includes most of your alerts: accomplishments, reputation, mail, etc. Hobbit Gifts, dynamic layer status, pending loot and connection status icons will all be separate from this panel. Connection status is now its own element that can moved around separately from all alerts.

    Housing Upkeep and Foreclosure changes
    Housing Upkeep now allows for paying further in advance and adds the option to pay with Mithril Coins. Houses without upkeep paid for the past six months will go into Foreclosure and all items inside will be put into Escrow.
    Note: A 2 month grace period will be allowed for homes which are already more than 6 months overdue when Update 11 goes Live.

    Additional Mithril Services
    Reputation acceleration, Deed acceleration, Armour and Weapon repair services, task resets, and task limit increases can now be purchased with Mithril.

    Trait Configurations reset
    Mounted Combat Trait Trees have been updated, so all your Trait Configurations have been reset and points refunded.

    Legendary item points refunded
    In Update10, a lot of scaled items and some Legendary Items got a DPS bump. We are pushing this out to items that players acquired before Update 10 went live. In the process we had to refund all your Legendary Item points

    Enhanced Experience
    Rest experience is getting an overhaul! Basics: Rest Experience is becoming Enhanced Experience.
    There will be two kinds of Enhanced XP: VIP Bonus XP and Store item Bonus XP.
    VIP Bonus will appear blue on your experience bar. Store Bonus will appear as light blue. Bonus experience will apply to all basic forms of experience (adventure xp, legendary, steed, etc.). If both the VIP bonus and the Store bonus are present, the VIP bonus will be used first. Store Experience boosters, like the Tome of Extraordinary Experience, can be used along with these bonuses. Please play around with this new experience system!

    It’s the Little Things

    New Bug reporting tool
    We’ve updated our bug reporting tool. You can find out more by reading this post.

    Additional “Opt out” emotes
    Practical Joke -Players will now be immune to Practical Joke when Involuntary Emotes are disabled.
    Toasting Mug -Fixed a bug that allowed this emote to bypass the 'Disable Involuntary Emotes' option.

    Release notes


        Some persistent area effects (hotspots) with white visualization borders that only benefitted your enemies should now correctly be drawn red.
        Item experience will now be properly displayed as a reward and granted to characters of the appropriate level for level-scaling quests.
        Fate will now contribute to OCPR in place of Will
        Damage Procs-Fixed a bug that was causing item procs that grant bonus damage on harmful skill plays to break Crowd Control effects. These procs should now only trigger when a Harmful skill that does damage is applied.
        You should no longer get a “A failure has occurred in submitting your support request” error message on login. It has been replaced with a more meaningful error message, which will hopefully help us figure out what's going on.
        Set bonuses that reduce Defeat Event Cooldowns no longer stack. This will prevent unintentional stacking that could reduce cooldowns to 0s.
        The Captain's Cloak of the Fornost Captain and Wyrmfire Mender's Ring have new proc effects on them. These proc effects are set up to trigger off the Captain's healing skills (and ONLY the Captain's).



        Fixed a bug where the Burglar trait Conservative Combatant was not apply to Strategic Strike


        Champion's Armour of the Unyielding Rage 4-set bonus should now proc on strike skills, not just Wild Attack.
        The Champions Greater/Lesser Erebor Beserker's Armour 2set bonus was applying Wild Attacks Bleed on critical hit but not devastating criticals. This has been fixed.
        Swift Strike was not properly proccing the Greater Erebor Beserker's Armour set bonus for champions even though it has strike in its name.


        The lore-master mounted skill 'Bond of the Rider' will now heal nearby allies without requiring that they be part of their fellowship
        Loremaster cosmetic pet skills will now correctly grey out when the loremaster has a cosmetic pet summoned


        Rune-keeper Greater Erebor Cleanser armour set bonus applies the Writ of Fire DOT of the same size as the player would


        Wardens should now be able to exchange their Might rings for Agility rings at the Rohan Quartermasters
        PvMP - Wardens may now barter for the Band of the Nimble Sentry and Ring of Precision. In addition, Wardens may also exchange their Rings of Resolute Defender and Bands of Fury for the appropriate Agility piece.

    The following Warden class quest rewards have been adjusted to use Agility as their primary DPS stat.

        Warder's Wristband
        Warden's Piercer
        Battle Medallion
        Gold Star Earring
        Fight Against the Darkness

    Mounted Combat

        Reducing damage done by Cry Wrath, Cry Havoc and Rally the Riders by 10-15%. Sorry to do it, but Captain damage output was far too high. Even with the reduction they are still capable of massive DPS while mounted.
        Fixed a bug preventing the Light Steed trait Motivation Through Agression from applying its effects to Enduring Embers and Sign of Power: Inspiration
        Expanded the Heavy Steed Trait, Benevolence, to effect Enduring Embers and Sign of Power: Inspiration
        fixed a bug that was preventing the Agility buff from displaying on the Burglar discipline skill Riddermark
        Fixed a bug where the Riddermark Healing Bonus on Crits was not applying to Keen Strike and Jollification while in Trick: Strategem
        Applied power saving traits and buffs to Quick Stop and Spur On
        Altering All in the Wrist in Red Dawn so that it is a melee attack that deals a large amount of initial damage.
        Increased the power return of the Loremaster skill 'Bond of the Rider' while in Riddermark
        Lowered the chance for Disengaging Strikes to 25% to better align with other capstone traits
        The Champion's 'Boundless Fervour' mounted relic should now appropriately provide a 25% chance to maintain Fervour when using Recuperate, Destabilizing Strike, and Horn Blast
        Fixed the Mounted Combat 'Insignia of Boundless Fervour' so that it appropriately removes/does not remove fervour from the fervour meter, as well as from applied buffs

    The following Mounted Combat skills have been adjusted:

            Increased the damage of Kill Shot
            Added a second attack to “Spread of Arrows”

    Legendary Items

        Legendary Bridles will now have a different icon in the Tracker Panel
        Applying a Star-Lit Crystal to a Legendary Item will once again correctly reset your legacies.

    The Ettenmoors

        Monsterplay: Six new Critical Rating Corruptions have been added to all Monsterplay classes.
        All brands and Insignia that gave 60 seconds of immunity to various Crowd Control effects have had their effect durations reduced to 20 seconds.
        Using any Brand or Insignia results in a 60 second lock out from using another.


        Wargs should now have access to Critical Rating Corruptions.
        The amount of Critical Rating granted from the Critical Rating corruptions has been increased.

    Raids, Instances, & Skirmishes

        Performance issues in the Tower of Orthanc Raid related to Bukot and visualizations of his area effects have been mitigated.
        It is no longer possible to join an instanced public questing area if you do not meet the entrance prerequisites (e.g. having exceeded the per-hour instance limit).
        Non-level cap barter vendors should now allow the exchange of barter tokens at a reduced cost. Players can now trade 15 silver tokens, rather than 25, for 1 gold token.
        For The Bells of Dale 6-man: Challenge quest should now rebestow upon reset of the final boss fight, Brotherhood of the Elements sorcerers should now consistently attack, challenge quest should now reward proper currency, and the Jangovar archers should no longer look like they're healing the players instead of wounding them.
        In Their Absence Scaling - Ost Dunhoth: The landscape entrance will now open only the Wound/Fear wing. Other wings must be acessed through the Instance Join UI.
        The Road to Erebor - The 'meta-deed' accomplishment for the Erebor instance cluster will now award a title in addition to the other rewards: Defender of Erebor

    Battle for Erebor:

        Levers are no longer selectable

    Great Barrow - Maze:

        Challenge rebestows after reset

    Wraith of Earth:

        Tiers spawn the correct chests

    Pits of Isengard:

        Lever at the beginning should be created every time the instance is

    Battle in the Tower:

        Fixed a location in the final fight where retreating mobs could get stuck

    The Maze:

        Challenge rebestows on reset
        Flight to the Lonely Mountain:
        Mobs hitting the entrance gate resets the fight

    Sammath Gul:

        Challenge chest looks shinier


        The Great River Helmet of Might and the Enduring Great River Helmet of Might have had their names changed to the Great River Helmet of Strength and the Enduring Great River Helmet of Strength.
        Stats in the character panel should now display correct contributions in their tooltips
        The Erebor Bowmaster and Erebor Huntsman sets should now appropriately display their 4-piece bonuses
        The 'Riddle-keeper's Earrring' from has had its stats adjusted slightly. It will now provide more Fate and less Tactical Mastery
        “Gaunt-lord's Pitted Stud” that drops from the disease wing in Ost Dunhoth has been renamed to “Red-huorn's Putrid Stud”
        “Gaunt-lord's Pitted Stud” that drops from the posion wing in Ost Dunhoth has been renamed to “Earring of Blight”
        The following items have had their incomparable versions renamed
        Battle-historian's Loop -& Battle-annalist's Loop
        Necklace of the Gathering Dark -& Necklace of the Gathering Night
        Trampled Silver Ring -& Stifled Silver Ring
        Created two new healing-focused ring upgrades for the Eastemnet Shields, Weapons, Jewellery Quartermaster
        Lowered the Finesse progressions on Opportunistic Brigand's/Ruffian's Gloves and added Critical Rating
        Adjusted Critical Defence procs to provide additional crit defence as well as added incoming healing rating
        The incoming healing buff from Water-lore should now show on affected targets
        The Tapped Rohan Keg will now apply an intoxication effect on players when used
        Rune-etched Stone-Fixed a bug that was granting this item more stats than it should have had. Vitality has been removed from the item.
        Cloak of the Learned now gives some Vitality, but less Fate, to differentiate it from the Cloak of Chill Winds
        Erebor Armour of the Trapper - Using Rain of Thorns with the 2 set bonus active will no longer consume any Focus.
        The pocket item rewards from A Loss Unlooked-for no longer require level 75 to equip them. The On Use effects will no longer scale based on player level.
        The Eastemnet quartermasters now offer the ability to exchange some Rohan rings at the final and third step for others.
        The Regal Topaz Stud now has Fate and Critical Rating in place of Tactical Mastery.
        The 2-set bonus for the lesser and greater Armour of the Erebor Leader will no longer show the set bonus twice.
        The Recovered and Unearthed Iron Shield now give Might in place of Will, as they drop and are intended for Captains.
        Hytbold Armour of the Animal-friend now increases the duration of the Incoming Healing effect in addition to the duration of the Heal over Time.
        Many Warden Shields and pieces of Medium Armour obtained in Dunland and beyond have been adjusted to use Agility as the primary stat.
        Universal Toolkits and Scrolls of Universal Lore obtained from Bound Lootboxes should now be bound to account, rather than to character.
        Riddermark-bound lootboxes now contain Tarnished Symbols of Celebrimbor and the Elder King.


        The following recipes were requiring a Balanced Steel Hilt instead of an Iron Hilt:
        Heavy Iron Sword Recipe,
        Heavy Iron Dagger Recipe,
        Heavy Iron Axe Recipe,
        Heavy Iron Great Sword Recipe,
        Heavy Iron Headsman's Axe Recipe,
        Heavy Iron Halberd Recipe
        Heavy Iron Mace Recipe.
        These have been fixed and now require an Iron Hilt.
        Adjusted ALL crafting facilities to be used as regular and superior across the world. All non-unique facilities have had the word 'Superior' removed from their names.

    User Interface

        When you are on a quest which is advanced by emoting, the quest tracker will now contain a quickslot to trigger the emote. You can click on the emote quickslot icon in the quest tracker instead of typing the emote at the command line. Note: Some quests are set to disable this technology (because discovering or selecting the emote is the purpose of the quest).
        The Disable New Item Highlight feature now correctly disables highlighting when you acqquire items that are merged into an existing stack.
        All effects will display the exact time remaining down to the second, no matter how long their duration.
        Certain crafting vendors in Bree have been finally convinced by the local merchants association to observe the reputation discount given to Friends to the Men of Bree.
        Skill and Slayer Deed Boosts will now display and filter correctly.
        Some skills should now correctly show the cooldown overlay while they are on cooldown (for example Burglar Mounted Combat Skill Jollification, when used with Stratagem)
        When changing between saved Mounted Combat Trait configurations, we now automatically show the appropriate trait tree


        The Epilogues for Gorothul and Braiglinn will now give Medallions as rewards, instead of Medallions of Dol Guldur.
        Breeland Quest: Spiders in the Midgewater - this quest is now more solo-friendly for low-level players.


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Re : Update 11 - La traîtrise de la Main Blanche
« Réponse #3 le: 25 avril 2013, 16:02:07 »
Merci Chef d'avoir recopié les deux premières lignes du précédent post :D
Roooh, ok, je sors :P
« Modifié: 25 avril 2013, 16:12:04 par Walm »

Hors ligne Stilion

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Re : Update 11 - La traîtrise de la Main Blanche
« Réponse #4 le: 25 avril 2013, 20:16:04 »
Ah tiens, va falloir ressortir sa doudoune?  :neige

Hors ligne Mel

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Re : Update 11 - La traîtrise de la Main Blanche
« Réponse #5 le: 25 avril 2013, 20:35:39 »
Très bien tout ça, je devrais donc la découvrir dans deux ptit mois le temps que je monte, les premiers seront passés  :grin
sinon zone à glagla.. géants et grosnounours en vue  :elephant


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Re : Re : Update 11 - La traîtrise de la Main Blanche
« Réponse #6 le: 25 avril 2013, 21:12:17 »
Très bien tout ça, je devrais donc la découvrir dans deux ptit mois le temps que je monte, les premiers seront passés  :grin
sinon zone à glagla.. géants et grosnounours en vue  :elephant
Raté: huorns, trolls des bois, chats sauvages et orques, orques, orques... ;)


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Re : Update 11 - La traîtrise de la Main Blanche
« Réponse #7 le: 26 avril 2013, 00:53:49 »
Troupes de Guerre:
Après une nouvelle visite, on a compté 5 troupes de guerres dont:
* Un bugud-like (gros sac à PV avec un bouclier tant qu'on a pas tué ses adds)
* 3 signatures tout simple
* Un gros elite avec des adds, planqué dans des bois denses (donc chaut à cheval) assez garnis en mobs. On s'est fait explosés à deux car on n'y voyait rien, et on chopait énormément de mobs de la région. A voir si il ne faut pas plutôt le faire à l'arrêt (quel drôle d'idée) ou à pieds.

Les troupes donnent, pour le moment:
* de la réputation
* des jetons (dont des jetons dorés nécessaires pour les objets gold => 1 jeton doré s'échange 25 jetons normaux)
* de l'XP
* PAS de cadeaux, contrairement aux troupes de guerre du Rohan (mais il me semble que les cadeaux sur les TdG du Rohan sont arrivés assez tard, à la fin de la Beta).


Finalement, il manque encore sur la beta le contenu end game répétable promis (un truc à farmer comme Limeclair ou Hytbold). Il y a cependant une réputation qui ne semble ne pas avoir de quêtes... J'espère que cela arrivera bientôt.
« Modifié: 26 avril 2013, 00:57:17 par Walm »


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Re : Update 11 - La traîtrise de la Main Blanche
« Réponse #8 le: 26 avril 2013, 03:50:02 »
Image intéressante glanée sur JoL: la mise en abime de la carte des Landes Farouches dans la carte de la zone. Cela permet de comparer les tailles des différentes régions.

On voit ainsi que les Landes Farouches sont légèrement plus vastes que le Grand Fleuve.


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Re : Update 11 - La traîtrise de la Main Blanche
« Réponse #9 le: 02 mai 2013, 16:59:11 »
Patch avec plein de corrections que le serveur de test.

L'occasion pour moi de vous spoiler deux nouveautés:
* La première fera très plaisir à Mael. Une nouvelle boutique vient d'ouvrir à Bree: Le Marché de Lalia. Il s'agit d'un gigantesque showroom où sont exposés toutes les tenues et pièces d'équipement d'ornementation. Certains chevaux ornementés sont aussi présentés. Finalement, Lalia vous proposera plein de teinture et un TP vers son marché (1 pièces de Mithril le Tp).
Le tout est achetables en pièces de Mithril. Il faut compter:
** 50 pièces de Mithril pour une tenue complète;
** 20 pièces de Mithril pour un casque ou des épaulières
** 15 pièces de Mithril pour des bottes ou des gants
** 25 pièces de Mithril pour une cape ou un plastron
Les teintures, elles, s'échangent contre entre 3 et 5 pièces l'unité (tarif réduit pour un lot de 5).

Pour la seconde nouveauté, sachez que Floyd & Dewitt sont retournés se promenés. Une seconde prouesse vous proposera de gagner le titre "Vagabond".

Finalement, des objets cosmétiques pour monture de guerre ont été rajoutés dans les cadeaux des Troupes de Guerre.

PS:  :icon_cool: :))



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