Sur les chemins transverses... > [War Thunder] A l'avion qui crashe et au tank qui fait boum

War thunder

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Suite au denier patch petit changement sur la liste des contacts  :albino , il faut virer tout le monde et remettre en place les contacts ( action mutuelle sinon on ne voit plus nos statuts ) ceci étant une parade contre le harcelement  :castor

--- Citer ---Dear Pilots and Tankers,
                                      As part of the Weapons of Victory update (1.70.1949.XX) there has been a change to the Friends List and the interactions between players.
Changelog =>
 •Daily awards interface has been changed.
 •Format of Information regarding damage to enemy ground vehicles has been changed.
 •Player status (online/offline or in the battle) would be shown only for mutual friends. This allows you to hide your presence in the game from your enemies.
Many of you have become confused with this change.  You must now cross-friend all those who you wish to interact with.  You MUST friend themAND they MUST friend you for it to function correctly.   You need to now contact and cross friend all those players that you choose to play with.
This is NOT A BUG - it is an intentional change.
Everyone needs to actually complete the de-friending/be-friending process before it functions fully.
To complete the process remove any name(s) from the search field and click Friends for your list to return or restart your client for the changes to fully take effect.
This ensures that the "who's online" system is only usable by mutual friends.   This has been changed to prevent the harassment of players.
WT Staff 

--- Fin de citation ---

<souffle sur la poussière>

Un dernier rajout au jeu spécial Hara !

On peut mettre des buissons sur des blindés !

Haaaaaaaaan! KRUM!


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