
Auteur Sujet: Erreurs connues  (Lu 27801 fois)

Hors ligne Hara

  • Dieu Mineur
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Re : Erreurs connues
« Réponse #100 le: 31 août 2012, 12:16:29 »
Garton, as tu essayé de créer ta propre guilde, de la représenter, et de revenir au CdE ?
Après je ne te dis pas que c'est une solution vérifiée par des millions d'utilisateurs, juste que ça a marché une fois chez moi et je me suis pas posé plus de questions ^^

Pour Piken : je ne vais pas vous mentir : je coupe les canaux en permanence sauf quand je cherche un PUG. Pas que j'ai été gêné par du flood incongru ou quoi que ce soit de moche (ou de bien) sur les canaux mondiaux, mais on est du genre 30 connectés en guilde et du coup si je veux suivre un petit quelque chose sur le canal guilde ou groupe, c'est déjà tendu ^^
Mais : IG, ca se rez, ça fait des "thx" quand on s'aide, le PU est très facile pour faire des dongeons (j'ai toujours trouvé les euro moins frileux pour faire du PU).
Je n'y pas encore vu de pseudo trop choquant. Je ne dis pas qu'il n'y en a pas, juste que je n'en ai pas encore vu.
De même ça RP beaucoup - j'ai pas coupé le /say ^^ Je suis très agréablement surpris (Guild Wars <-> RP  :icon_eek: ), les tavernes sont pleines, idem en extérieur à l'arche du Lion. Il suffit de se promener dans ces zones et on trouve des joueurs en train de RP, en anglais bien sur .
Piken est un serveur population moyenne ; mais je pense que, comme pour chaque jeu, la population RP ou RP-friendly est plus constante, plus fidèle. Les serveurs type "Mer de jade" ou "Desolation", souvent, ce sont des serveurs feu de paille.

Ceci dit autant j'aimerais vous y voir débarquer - alors là ce serait le rêve !!! - autant je vois le même point noir que Kino : le recrutement. Ca va être difficile de faire venir des recrues intéressées sur un serveur INT.
Leyo, Voleur@Mer de Jade GW2
Vilamon, Sorcier - Azzan, Lamenoire@Daguefilante

Ydrit, Chasseur@Evernight
Idrym, Cambrioleur@Everight

Hors ligne Gortack

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Re : Re : Erreurs connues
« Réponse #101 le: 31 août 2012, 12:59:34 »
Garton, as tu essayé de créer ta propre guilde, de la représenter, et de revenir au CdE ?
Après je ne te dis pas que c'est une solution vérifiée par des millions d'utilisateurs, juste que ça a marché une fois chez moi et je me suis pas posé plus de questions ^^
Non, mais hier en changeant de perso (haha, le retour de Pouck et Poucky^^) ça m'a débloqué l'accès à la guilde, donc ça peut etre aussi une solution.

Pour Piken : je ne vais pas vous mentir : je coupe les canaux en permanence sauf quand je cherche un PUG. Pas que j'ai été gêné par du flood incongru ou quoi que ce soit de moche (ou de bien) sur les canaux mondiaux, mais on est du genre 30 connectés en guilde et du coup si je veux suivre un petit quelque chose sur le canal guilde ou groupe, c'est déjà tendu ^^
J'utilise des onglets, tout comme lotro, on peut créer des onglets avec des filtres et les renommer comme on le souhaite, j'ai retrouvé la même personnalisation que sur lotro du coup (un canal "poubelle", un canal guilde, un canal groupe (qui sert à rien pour le moment lol ^^), un canal MP, un canal combat (pour afficher les logs de combats et les loots).

Hors ligne Helka

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Re : Erreurs connues
« Réponse #102 le: 31 août 2012, 13:15:16 »
N'empêche, l'histoire des serveurs ne devait pas en être une ... vu qu'on devait pouvoir teamer avec des amis en PVE, quelque soit le serveur...


Hors ligne Gortack

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Re : Erreurs connues
« Réponse #103 le: 31 août 2012, 21:16:34 »
This is the current status of the most important issues we're tracking with Guild Wars 2 live service.

Account security - Hackers are systematically scanning email addresses and passwords harvested from other games, web sites, and trojans to see if they match Guild Wars 2 accounts. We're taking a number of steps to protect our players from this, listed below, but we need your help too. To protect your account, make sure you use a strong, unique password for Guild Wars 2 that you've never used anywhere else. If your password isn't strong and unique, change it right now. For the highest level of protection, also create a unique email address to use solely for Guild Wars 2.

Here are the things we're doing to protect your accounts.

    We have the "password reset" feature temporarily disabled. If you need to reset your password, contact our customer support team.

    We now have email authentication turned on for all players with verified email addresses. With this feature, even if someone guesses your password, when he tries to login from a location that you've never logged in from before, you'll have an opportunity to approve or disapprove of the login through an email check.

    We've noticed that hackers who discover a working email address and password combination don't always immediately exploit the compromised account. We sent email to everyone whose account has been suspiciously logged into asking them to immediately change their email address and password.

    We will also be sending email to all customers whose accounts have been unsuccessfully tested by hackers. We strongly recommend that these customers create a new, unique email address for their account.

    We left in-game mail disabled for another half-day, because it's difficult for hackers to loot accounts when both in-game mail and the trading post are disabled. Keeping mail disabled this morning to prevent account looting gave us time to get email authentication turned on for all players, and gave players time to secure their accounts. But we will be turning in-game mail back on soon, so we ask everyone to quickly secure their accounts.

Email authentication - We started ramping up email authentication after last night's server update, and it's now enabled for 100% of players with verified email addresses. Email authentication provides a high level of security for everyone, and can provide an even higher level of security when combined with two-factor email authentication. Here's how you can set that up. Create a new unique Google or Yahoo email address solely for your Guild Wars 2 account. Verify that email address with Guild Wars 2 to turn on email authentication. Then follow the instructions at Google or Yahoo to enable two-factor authentication for all logins to your email address.

Parties, guilds, etc. - We're working to address problems with parties, guilds, and other social features, which cause symptoms such as party members not appearing on the map, party members not staying in the same overflow servers as they travel between maps, and guild invites and guild chat failing intermittently.

Overflow servers - During this initial surge of high concurrency, and especially while most characters are low-level and thus playing in the same starting areas, it's common for players to be directed to overflow servers. If you want to play with a friend, but you're not on the same overflow servers, you can form a party together, then right-click on your friend's portrait in the party list and click "join". Note that this functionality is sometimes intermittently unavailable due to the issues with parties and guilds noted above.

We expect the use of overflow servers to naturally subside as players spread out more through the world.

Botting - Yesterday we applied 72-hour account suspensions to 500 players who were running bots. We're continuing to detect and ban bots. Soon we will ramp up to our normal policy of applying permanent account bans to anyone who runs a bot.

Exploits - If you discover an exploit in the game, do not exploit it or publicize it, but instead notify us immediately at this new email address: exploits (at) arena (dot) net.

This morning there was a widely-publicized, newly-introduced exploit in which specific cultural weapons were selling for one-thousandth of their normal price. We fixed it with an emergency build this morning. We want to thank the vast majority of players who became aware of the issue, responsibly reported it, and did not exploit it. However, a smaller group of players did significantly exploit it, each purchasing hundreds or thousands of these weapons. We permanently banned 3,000 accounts of players who substantially exploited it, and applied 72-hours bans to another 1,000 accounts of players who mildly exploited it.

In-game mail - In last night's software update we fixed the potential abuse of the in-game mail system that we identified yesterday. We kept in-game mail turned off for another half-day while working to secure accounts against hackers, since in-game mail can be used to loot an account. And we kept in-game mail turned off while responding to this morning's exploit. We're now ready to re-enable it, and will do so this afternoon.

Trading Post - Yesterday we tested Trading Post with a random 15% of players. This test helped us gather valuable data to fix important bottlenecks. This afternoon we will test Trading Post with a random 25% of players, and then work to ramp up from there.

Tournament Rewards - We're working on fixing tournament chest rewards. Because this requires substantial testing, we do not have an estimated release timeframe to provide at this time.

Forums - Our most important priority at the moment is to ensure that the game runs stably and flawlessly. So as to not create additional demand on our infrastructure and on our programming team, we made the decision not to open the forums until the initial mass influx of players has calmed down a bit.

Next software updates - We're making non-disruptive changes throughout the day. We'll publish the next back-end server update tonight at midnight Seattle time. The game may be unavailable for approximately 20-60 minutes while we perform this update.

Hors ligne Aedril

  • Dieu Mineur
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Re : Re : Erreurs connues
« Réponse #104 le: 31 août 2012, 21:32:11 »
tousss !!! tousss!!!

Passe discrètement et lâche un nom comme ça sortit de nul part :

 :albino Fort Ranik [FR]  :albino

Et disparait !!! ;)

Je vais peut-être tester GW2 dans quelques jours (demain au plus tôt, mercredi au plus tard), si la technique est avec moi (ce qui n'est pas gagné).

J'ai un ami sur Fort Ranik qui me dis y être très bien, tant en terme de charge de serveur, que de communauté. En plus, cela permettrait d'être avec les El Ereb et de vous protéger contre une probable migration des grosses guildes de kevors présentes sur d'autres serveurs surchargés.

Les echos que je lis sur les forums spécialisés semblent corroborer tout cela, également.
New World : Ahedril
No Man's Sky / Destiny 2 : Aedril
TESO : Aedril / Ysiil / Dushil / Yulo-il / Thyniel / Haaril
LOTRO : Aedril / Aedmel / Aedfin / Thyniel / Hamri / Domri / Ornon / Erchamir / Ruor / Brogvald
SWTOR : Whaand / Syaan / Ha'arken / Raakir / Fioona / Ygsiil / Ruaan / Seiichi
The Division : RyanGersen
RIFT : Aedril / Aedfin / Thiniel
TSW : Aaron Tremere
S&F : Thiniel

Hors ligne Fred

  • Dieu Mineur
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  • Gus, Gunar, Gudule
Re : Erreurs connues
« Réponse #105 le: 01 septembre 2012, 10:54:09 »
Arf... c'est mauvais ce que tu nous dis là : si tout le monde sait que c'est un bon serveur, il ne faut surtout pas y aller  :albino
Lotro - Gunar - Nain - Ménestrel - Tailleur
Diablo 3 - Gus#2965 - Armurerie
TESO - Gunark - Orc - Templier/soins - Alchimiste

Hors ligne Gortack

  • Admin adoré !!
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Re : Erreurs connues
« Réponse #106 le: 01 septembre 2012, 13:11:46 »
Bon, ça serait sympa de conserver désormais ce topic aux discussions relatives au titre càd : "erreurs connues"

Les discussions pour le choix du serveur post release ça se passe là bas désormais :

Merci beaucoup  :)

Donc pour se recentrer le sujet, voici un état des lieux du jeu :

Friday, August 31, 2012

Account Security
    Protect your account! We've seen hackers systematically scan email addresses and passwords harvested from other games, web sites, and trojans to see if they match Guild Wars 2 accounts. We've taken steps to protect our players from this, but we need your help too. Make sure that you use a strong, unique password for Guild Wars 2 that you've never used anywhere else. For best security, use a unique email address too, and see our blog post for more tips.

Email authentication
    We now have email authentication enabled for all players who have validated their email addresses. This feature sends an email whenever it detects a login attempt to your account from a location you haven't played from before, asking you to allow or deny the login.
    We've learned of an incompatibility between email authentication and older versions of Internet Explorer. We're working on a fix, which we expect to deploy tomorrow.
    If you're not receiving account verification emails or account authentication emails, please check your junk/spam folders, and add to your safe senders list.

Parties, guilds, etc.
    We've made significant fixes to parties and guilds. However, you may still see intermittent outages. These outages cause symptoms such as party members not appearing on the map, party members not staying in the same overflow servers as they travel between maps, and guild invites not working.

Trading Post
    Yesterday we opened the Trading Post for a random, rotating 50% of users. After gathering data from yesterday's tests, we applied a number of fixes and performance improvements, and are preparing a larger-scale test today.

Tournament Rewards
    We believe we've addressed the problem with tournament chests not appearing. Let us know if you still see any issues with this.

World v. World
    We're aware the world v. world matches have not been resetting properly. We're preparing an update to fix this. Once the issue is fixed, we'll start running 24-hour matches to balance servers.

    We added three new worlds in Europe yesterday, three new worlds in America today, and increased the population limits on all worlds.

    During this initial surge of high concurrency, and especially while most characters are low-level and thus playing in the same starting areas, it's common for players to be directed to overflow servers. If you want to play with a friend, but you're not on the same overflow servers, you can form a party together, then right-click on your friend's portrait in the party list and click "join".
    We expect the use of overflow servers to naturally subside as players spread out more through the world.

    We suspended accounts of 750 players running bots. We're ramping up and will soon apply permanent bans for cases of substantial botting.

    If you discover an exploit in the game, do not exploit it or publicize it, but instead please notify us immediately at this new email address: exploits (at) arena (dot) net.

    Our most important priority at the moment is to ensure that the game runs stably and flawlessly. So as to not create additional demand on our infrastructure and on our programming team, we made the decision not to open the forums until the initial mass influx of players has calmed down a bit.

    We increased wiki server capacity to address issues users are seeing. We plan to start posting these updates to the wiki, as long as the wiki can handle the traffic.

Next software updates
    We're making non-disruptive changes throughout the day. We'll publish the next back-end server update tonight at midnight Seattle time. The game may be unavailable for approximately 20-60 minutes while we perform this update.

Tournament PvP
    We've taken Tournament PvP down for maintenance as we're working on fixing a few issues.

Hors ligne Aedril

  • Dieu Mineur
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  • Messages: 2323
Re : Erreurs connues
« Réponse #107 le: 02 septembre 2012, 09:19:04 »
Au vu du dernier test de ce matin :
- je ne peux pas représenter la guilde ;
- je ne peux pas écrire en /g ou /guilde (ni vous lire), message "Vous ne faites pas partie d'une guilde".

On a essayé de me passer de recrue à membre, de me déguilder/reguilder, de deco/reco.

Bon, à ce stade, wait and see ?
New World : Ahedril
No Man's Sky / Destiny 2 : Aedril
TESO : Aedril / Ysiil / Dushil / Yulo-il / Thyniel / Haaril
LOTRO : Aedril / Aedmel / Aedfin / Thyniel / Hamri / Domri / Ornon / Erchamir / Ruor / Brogvald
SWTOR : Whaand / Syaan / Ha'arken / Raakir / Fioona / Ygsiil / Ruaan / Seiichi
The Division : RyanGersen
RIFT : Aedril / Aedfin / Thiniel
TSW : Aaron Tremere
S&F : Thiniel


  • Invité
Re : Erreurs connues
« Réponse #108 le: 02 septembre 2012, 10:14:26 »
Il porte bien son nom ce jeu  :albino


Hors ligne Enorhiel

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Re : Erreurs connues
« Réponse #109 le: 02 septembre 2012, 12:29:02 »
Idem, je n'ai plus accès au chan guilde....
T'as pas besoin d'un flash quand tu photographies un lapin qui a déjà les yeux rouges.

LOTRO : Enorhiel Chasseur Erudit 95
TESO : Dreamangelus, DK Nordique, Métaleux
GW2 : Enhoriel Rôdeur Chasseur 80
RIFT : Dreamangelus, Guerrier Brahmi, Brisesol
Fatecraft : Dreamer (Fiergrue)
Steam : Twilange Eno



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